What are the Human Givens?

We are all born with innate feelings and knowledge programmed into us from our genes. Throughout life we experience this knowledge as physical and emotional needs.

These feelings have evolved over millions of years and are our common biological inheritance. They are the driving force that motivates us to become fully human and succeed in whatever environment we find ourselves in.

These psychological needs are part of our biology from conception so we call them – and the built-in resources we have to help us meet them – human 'givens'. They are the givens and drivers of human nature.

It’s easy to see how the lack of physical support – from the air we breathe to food and shelter – will affect our health. But it can be more difficult to spot the link between unmet needs and emotional issues.

Feeling secure and in control, having supportive relationships, status and a sense of purpose are some of the essentials to keeping healthy in mind as well as body.

Zest therapists use a range of tried and tested Human Givens techniques to help you resolve the issues holding you back and equip you with effective tools to develop new life skills.

Why does this technique work so well?

Human Givens therapy is based on the latest research into how people really function and what we all need to thrive in today’s world.

It is a practical, forward-focused approach, which concentrates on mastering skills and understandings that people can use in the future to move on in their lives, rather than concentrating on, and being stuck in, what went wrong in the past.

This is the case even if people have suffered horrific traumatising events – all Human Givens therapists are taught a reliable, proven method for detraumatising people, which in most cases works in one session.

A recent study found that the Human Givens approach for detraumatisation suggested that 'one to three sessions of Rewind demonstrate potential as a more time- and cost-efficient trauma-focused intervention than CBT-TF and EMDR'. 1

What sets the Human Givens approach apart is that your therapist will look to see what is missing, or being misused, in your life, with the aim of helping you find ways to better meet your needs.

What techniques do the therapists at Zest use?

Using the Human Givens approach, we draw from a variety of tried and tested therapeutic methods (such as cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, solution focused approaches, motivational interviewing, reflective listening and hypnotherapy).

We also tap into the latest neuroscientific findings to increase our knowledge of what it means to be human and our understanding of what people need to maintain emotional wellbeing.

Rather than relying on one ‘model’ of therapy, this approach is fluid and flexible, making use of whatever techniques and approaches will best suit the particular client we are working with.

The success of this approach is backed by research findings that show it helps an unprecedented three our of four clients achieve significant improvement or cure, usually taking only four to six sessions however every case is different and further sessions may be required.

What does the therapy involve?

We’ll take the time to really listen to you and ask about your life and the difficulties you’re experiencing at the moment.

From the very first session, we’ll start using effective techniques, such as how to relax and deal with challenging situations. This will stimulate your own natural resources, such as your problem-solving skills, which are key to providing you with immediate relief from psychological distress.

We’ll work with you to agree some realistic, achievable goals, taking small steps at first and setting a pace which suits you. From here on, you’ll find out how to tap into your own resources to help you feel better and take back control of your life.

At each session, we’ll check back on your progress and work through any difficulties. Therapy ends when you feel ready to live an emotionally healthy life without regular help from us.

“The time we spent together talking has changed my life significantly – I feel more empowered and I am definitely growing into the person I am truly meant to be.”

Client lacking assertiveness skills

To learn more about the Human Givens approach, visit the Human Givens Institute.


  1. 1. Wright, L A, Kitchiner, N et al (2023). Rewind for post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/6279649